Blog post by Silverfit founder Eddie
Hi All,
Firstly, I wanted to thank Silverfit for the present of the hamper and the lovely goodies within. I am staying with my daughter’s family for a few days after my successful hip surgery 10 days ago. I’m making good recovery, and am even walking without crutches, but, I promise, I am following the advice of so many to 'Take it easy'. Thanks too for all your good wishes on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, and Instagram. I must catch up and respond! Isn’t social media a wonderful way to stay in touch?
Silverfit featured in CNN video and article!
Secondly, we have just received the great film from Stephania for CNN which went live this week - you can view it here, alongside an article also written by Stefania. Thanks again to so many Silverfitters for their participation, and especially huge thanks to Marjorie and Linda. On the same day it was published I was invited to do a live Times Radio interview on Wednesday night! That was a scary first LIVE radio interview with Phil Williams, when I couldn’t even see, but it has to be good for promotion of Silverfit and for our 4-women Race Across America relay cycling team for 2023, raising funds for Silverfit. He offered to crew for us! So, watch this space!
Such enthusiasm for Silver sessions!
It has been great to see so many Silverfitters coming back to our weekly sessions with such enthusiasm both indoor and outdoor, underpinned by our careful risk assessments to ensure optimum safely! You have all been so great too in expressing your enthusiasm, and gratitude. Many thanks to our staff, instructors, and volunteers for facilitating the re-starts. Sorry we have continued to ask for sign ups and thanks to everyone for making the effort to sign up via Typeform, or Eventbrite. I do appreciate it is not easy, but we are trying to ensure optimum safety for you all, particularly for indoor sessions when we must restrict numbers to ensure safe spaces between members. We don’t want to have to turn away members at the door because numbers exceed our safe limit.

Christmas break
We are looking at viable plans over the Christmas New Year holidays and I will include in my next blog, and Natalie will provide details on the website also.
On the funding front we have had recent grants from Independent Age, Southwark Charities, Kingston Borough, and the Borough of Lambeth, so all good news! Do please thank them in any of your Facebook & Twitter messages. The media do seem increasingly interested in good news stories about Silverfit and our older members. Thanks especially to Silverfit members in Crystal Palace and Whitton for allowing CNN and Independent Age to come and film your sessions. Gosh, Louise Minchin is hitting the big time at the moment in ‘I’m a Celebrity, Get me out of here!’ I will be making contact again when she’s back home and I am sure she will still be joining a Silverfit session in 2022!
Payments and donations
Many of you have asked too about the annual £12 membership fee – we are exploring options and I will be in touch in December to let you know how you can do this.
As you all know, it no longer felt right to collect cash for attendance fees. We are continuing to trial contactless Sum Up machines, but it is not the easiest of times to pilot, so in the meantime here is a general link if you’d like to donate,, ensuring we can keep Silverfit going post pandemic!
Eddie Brocklesby