Kingston upon Thames Sessions
All Kingston sessions are on TicketTailor and need to be booked in advance by clicking here or the individual session buttons below.
There is a £3 charge for these sessions, payable when booking via TicketTailor.
If you would like to discuss Kingston sessions please email [email protected] or [email protected]
If you have never attended a Silverfit session before, or your health has changed in any way in the last year, please fill in a PAR-Q - Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire - so that we are aware of any health and medical issues you may have before taking part in our sessions. You need to print this out and bring it along to the session to give to the instructor.
Activity: Yoga
Where: Canbury Pavilion, Canbury Gardens, Lower Ham Rd, Kingston upon Thames KT2 5AX
Instructor: Tanya Greig of Worcester Park Yoga
When: Tuesdays 1pm registration, 1.15pm - 2pm class
Price: £3 payable on TicketTailor when booking.

Activity: Nordic Walking
Where: Canbury Gardens (starting from Canbury Pavilion)
Instructor: Rosie Cooke of North Star Nordic Walking
When: Tuesdays 12.45pm registration, 1pm - 2pm walk
Price: £3 payable on TicketTailor when booking.
If you need Nordic Walking Poles provided by the instructor
For those who need to borrow poles it is essential that you sign up to the sessions beforehand so instructors know how many sets of poles they will need, this will help avoid any disappointment.
Please turn up at least 20 minutes before the session so that everyone can catch up beforehand and enjoy a full session - especially those who need to be set up with poles. Nordic Walk instructors will not normally delay the session for latecomers.
All Tuesday sessions will be followed by refreshments in Canbury Pavilion from 2pm, which will give the chance for participants to mingle.

Activity: Indoor Rowing
Time: 11am-11.45am
Instructor: Su Hodgson of Fluid Fitness
Venue: Kingston Rowing Club, The Boat House, Lower Ham Rd, Kingston upon Thames, KT2 5AU
Cost: £3 in advance via TicketTailor.
Access: please enter the building via the external stairs that are nearest the Boaters Inn. The instructor will let you in.
Please wear layers and bring a bottle of water.

Activity: Bollywood Fusion
Bollywood Fusion is fitness through a blend of Bollywood and other dance styles to suit all levels
Time: 11.15am for 11.30am - 12.15pm
Instructor: Georgia
Venue: Room 21, Richard Mayo Centre, Kingston United Reformed Church, Eden Street, Kingston, KT1 1HZ
Price: £3 payable on TicketTailor when booking.
Refreshments available at the snack bar on the ground floor.

Activity: Tai Chi with Michael - Intermediate - for those with some experience.
Time: 12.30pm registration for 12.45pm start and 1.30pm finish
Instructor: Michael
Venue: Room 21, Richard Mayo Centre, Kingston United Reformed Church, Eden Street, Kingston, KT1 1HZ
Refreshments available at the snack bar on the ground floor.
Price: £3 payable on TicketTailor when booking.
Do not turn up to a session without registering beforehand - you will be turned away if there are too many people.

Activity: Tai Chi for Beginners - those new to Tai Chi.
Time: 1.45pm - 2.30pm
Instructor: Michael
Venue: Room 21, Richard Mayo Centre, Kingston United Reformed Church, Eden Street, Kingston, KT1 1HZ
Refreshments available at the snack bar on the ground floor.
Price: £3 payable on TicketTailor when booking.
Do not turn up to a session without registering beforehand - you will be turned away if there are too many people.

PHOTOGRAPHY: Please note, sessions are often photographed for marketing purposes. If you attend a session and do not wish to be photographed please let the photographer, Project Manager or instructor know.